Tips & Tricks from Born nutrition experts | Factory Store

Tips & Tricks from Born nutrition experts

Cyclists are the labourers of the road. So work hard! Adequate hydration and energy intake is very important to prevent hitting the wall.

> Stage training or competitions: start your recovery process as soon as you get off your bike!
> Biking at temperatures around 10 degrees Celsius? Massage Born Warm Up followed by Protect Oil, especially under wet circumstances.
> Is the temperature above 15 degrees? Then stimulate your muscles even better by applying Born Start Up or Start Up UV15 prior to your race for better blood flow to your muscles and you will get beautiful brown legs as well!

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Mountain bikers have to deal with intensity intervals and also put a claim on their endurance on longer trips. Adequate hydration and energy intake is very important to prevent hitting the wall. Next to this, it is important to recover quickly after an intense uphill sprint!
> Need a boost? Then you should definitely try Born Awake Showergel as invigorating morning shower or as a refreshing recovery shower after a day of effort.
> Use isotonic and energy drinks that are well tolerated by the stomach and intestines.
> Use energy bars and gels that are easy to swallow and delicious to drink.
> Protect your knees against the cold and rain by applying a layer of Protect Extra.

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Running is a stressful activity for the body. The shock motion will give your stomach and intestines a hard time. Born is particularly aware of this and has adjusted it’s products to this fact.
> Water is good source for hydration, but necessary minerals are missing. To keep yourself fit, fresh and lively an isotonic drink like Born Drink is a better option since it does contain the minerals. Born Drink has a delicious fresh flavour.
> Tired muscles: try Born Recovery Relax. This muscle recovery cream accelerates muscle recovery and includes refreshing and revitalizing ingredients. Highly recommended!
> Skin irritation or blisters? Try Born No Friction Cream. This product decreases the skin irritation, for example by friction of the shoe or singlet.

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Born nutrition & body care products are available in our on-line store.

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