Outdoor Tech is a must for all you outdoor freaks | Factory Store

Outdoor Tech is a must for all you outdoor freaks

You must have heard for Outdoor Tech by now, since is one of the fastest growing companies in the electronics and definitely one of the most fun companies in the electronics.

Outdoor Tech

They simply create cool products, or as they would describe them selves: “Our goal from the beginning has been to address the ever growing issue of blending a modern lifestyle in the age of mobile technology with the drive to be outdoors.
The evolution of Outdoor Tech® has been shaped by this constant push and pull, to stay connected but not tethered.
Our blood boils with design, style and creation. From our magical home of Los Angeles we aim to create products that serve real needs. We don't define ourselves by the space that confines us, but we draw from it.
Go forth and play. And thanks for being you.”

Life is all about “go out and play”, and this is what Outdoor Tech products are all about:
Outdoor Tech
Wireless Audio: Number of wireless earbuds & headphone, outdoor speakers (the easiest way to create a beach party) and even wireless helmet audio! You don’t need instructions how to use your headphones, but you might also like the idea of a speaker (available in variety of sizes and colors) that you can strap to you bike or simply put it on the ground and the vibes will take over from there on…

Outdoor Tech
Portable Power: Kodiak is a USB power bank with the capacity of 6000mAh. Think of the Kodiak 6000 as your portable, waterproof, rugged, universal power bank best buddy. Charge anything with a USB connection.

More about Outdoor Tech and the Stuff You Probably Want®? Simply click this link to our online store and you will get more!

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