Compressport ON/OFF MULTISPORT - A new revolutionary concept | Factory Store

Compressport ON/OFF MULTISPORT - A new revolutionary concept

ON for maximum ventilation during acceleration phases.
COMPRESSPORT® provides the first shirt whose interactive ON/OFF fibers breathe with you. Its 42,000 breathing alveoli open and let in the air you need to perform.
Your breathing then becomes regulated depending on the intensity of your workout. You can breathe deeply, with no limits.

Compressport ON/OFF MULTISPORT - A new revolutionary conceptOFF for high-pressure protection during deceleration.
The fiber and its 42,000 alveoli close up and protect you to guarantee a “high-compression” descent with perfect muscle strength.
The ON/OFF MULTISPORT 1ST LAYER SHIRT protects you from the cold air in the winter and hot air in the summer has a “compression – massage – strengthening” function that protects you from muscular oscillations to help you eliminate toxins and improves recovery.

Compressport ON/OFF MULTISPORT - A new revolutionary conceptSPIN CONTROL: controlled posture alignment as well as optimum oxygenation
The SPIN CONTROL light compression area is directly woven into the fabric, providing:
- upright support during workout,
- a realignment of the shoulders,
- maintenance of the proper position even during long workout.
The SPIN CONTROL area also helps you open the ribcage better in order to increase breathing capacity and improve oxygenation during workout, but also after workout in order to provide faster recovery.

3D PATCHS SHOCK ABSORBER: supported arms evening during full workout!
The ON/OFF MULTISPORT 1st LAYER SHIRT are equipped with 3D patches that provide localized compression support to the muscles of the arm (biceps) and forearm (supinator and pronator teres). They are very comfortable and they adapt to the athlete’s morphology, providing optimum shock absorption and an anti-vibration effect. When your arms are supported, you’ll feel supported and stronger yourself.

Compressport ON/OFF MULTISPORT 1st layer shirt is available in long, short or sleeveless versions and in multiple colors. All Compressport products are available in our online store.

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