If you are not registered in the online store yet, you must register. To do so, first check if B2C is selected as the default store; if not, select it. Then click on the “Registration” button.
A new window will open, where you enter the user account information and click on the “Send” button.
After the registration you have to log in.
After a successful login, the window 'My Desktop' opens, where you can manage your account. Before the purchase is made, the billing address and shipping address need to be set. To do so, click on one of the two links 'Edit Address'.
A new window will open, where you enter your contact information and click on the "Save Address" button.
When you save the address, the window “Address Book” will open, and the address you entered in the previous step will be set as the default billing and shipping address.
To change an address, click on the 'Add New Address' button and again fill in the form for adding an address, and select whether you want the new address to be the default billing or shipping address. Click on the 'Save Address' button.
Again, the window "Address Book” wil open, where you see the changes.
To purchase products, go to the online store by clicking on the logo in the header or on the “Home” button in the menu.
Logging in
If you are already registered in the online store, you have to log in before making a purchase. To do so, first check if B2C is selected as the default store; if not, select it. Then click on the “Login” button.
The login window with the form "Registered Customers” opens. There you enter your user information (e-mail address and password) and click on the “Login” button. If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link.
If the login is successful, the "My Desktop" window opens, where you can edit your information and orders. To purchase products, go to the online store by clicking on the logo in the header or onthe “Home” button in the menu.
Products in the online store can be found through the search engine in the menu bar or through the categories of the online store.
When you find a product you want to buy, you first select the quantity, where the default value is 1, and then click on the “Add to Cart” button.
The 'Shopping Cart' window opens, and the picture of the cart in the header changes. In the “Shopping Cart” window you can change the number of items again. If you made a mistake or would rather buy a different product, remove the current product from the cart by clicking on the red “X” button. If you want to buy another product, repeat the step of searching for a product and adding it to the shopping cart. Once you have selected all the products you want to buy, you canenter the code for a discount (if you have one) and click on the “Apply Coupon” button. To complete the purchase click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button.
In the “Checkout” window you first select the billing informatin. By clicking on the arrow, a drop-down menu will open, where you select the address to which you wish to receive the invoice. If you have not entered the desired address yet, you can do that by clicking on the “New Address” button. When you have selected the billing address, you can choose to get the delivery to the same address or to another one. Click on the “Continue” button.
If you chose a different shipping address, the form “Shipping Address” opens, where you celect the shipping address in a similar manner as the billing address before. By clicking on the “Use Billing Address'” button you set the same address for billing and shipping. To continue, click on the “Continue” button.
After clicking on the “Continue” button, or if you have already at the beginning selected the same billing and shipping address, the form “Shipping Method” opens, where you can select the desired shipping method and click on the “Continue” button.
“Payment Information” form opens, where you select your payment method and click on the ”Continue” button.
“Order Review” form opens. By clicking the "Edit Your Cart” link you reopen the shopping cart, where you can add or edit items. If you do not want that, click on the “Place Order” button.
At the end you get a confirmation of a successfully placed order.
All the details about your order will also be sent to your e-mail address.